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11 August 2006

Turkish plugs and sockets

Maybe plugs and sockets aren't at the top of your list as you're preparing to move. I know they weren't on mine!
Hence after having arrived here and not found any adapter plugs to buy, I resorted to asking a friend back home to DHL some over....On the other hand, you can always use this as a great pretext to go shopping... Yeah, appliances ain't my thing either.

Turkish plugs and sockets are a good thing to know about prior to moving, so you can go through your belongings, decide which things are worth keeping and using via an adapter plug (or after having changed the plug).

So, here goes....

<-- sockets look like this

<-- plugs look like this

<-- you can, however, also use this

Phew! glad that one's over! Not the sexiest of subjects, but I someone's got to do it!
more information on plugs (not from me!)


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